Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Not too many people in India know about the enormous revolution going on in Myanmar (Burma) against dictatorship. And what's more, the revolution is being spearheaded by the supposedly peace loving monks. This is one of the best pic I found on the internet that best explains the magnitude of the initiative. The red sea of humanity that you see is made up by more than 100,000 monks taking to the roads to prove a point (peacefully).

And now that they have the support of the civilians and the international media, its not gonna be too long before they get their freedom. Never underestimate a person even if he's got a simple red attire and a shaved head. Way to go monky. Way to go. Search flickr.com for more amazing pics on the topic.

1 comment:

devry university chicago said...

That picture is so breathtaking. I am also unaware of the struggles in Burma. Thanks so much for the picture and the post. It is better for people to fight peacefully like what happened in the Philippines about 20 years ago called People Power. Now, Burma has "Monk Power"