Saturday, April 19, 2008

Here come the scorching summers

The time to dread afternoons has come. The G-Talk status messages are already telling about the trend with stuff like "Feelin like a fish in a fryin pan . . .", "The heats killlinnn mee. . . Somebody help" and more.

The 2:30 class is something that has become a 'once in a blue moon' thing. And when you have to go, literally all the body parts fail to respond. Walking 10 minutes to the class with the blazing sun pricking your skin certainly seem more than an hour. And the problem is 'its just april'.

I didn't mention anything about the power cuts as yet. Living without even a fan from 10 - 1 is like living in a casting enclosure with heat penetrating into your body.

The best part however is the pallette of fruits and beverages that come with the summer. Having tarbooj and lemon water, grapes, sugarcane juice, banana n chocolate shakes, lassi n dunno what more.

But yes, as yet another status message correctly stated "Sleepy days are here again !!!".

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